The Covid-19 pandemic created long term changes to our working worlds, home environments & employment options.
WorkSafe issued guidelines 'Minimising the spread of COVID 19: Working from home' (July 2021),
but there is much more to working from home which needs to be considered.
We need to focus on PREVENTION of
- Musculoskeletal injuries,
- risky and inefficient work practices,
- use of poorly designed equipment,
- poorly set up workplaces & home environments and
- discriminatory, non-inclusive employment of people with disability.
Why engage Workout?
Sarah Clark is a Registered Occupational Therapist, using over three decades of experience and skill development in occupational health, ergonomics practice, disability employment, accessibility, injury prevention and workplace assessment & training. Sector Expertise Sarah has demonstrated unique and practical abilities to work directly with employers, small business owners and individuals across a vast range of industries, including manufacturing, animal welfare, schools, disability, scientific/biomedical research, corporate office, landscaping, government, healthcare, petrochemical and utilities. She uses a highly consultative and interactive approach to provide services and workplace based solutions and customised programs which are based on evidence based methodologies and innovative flare. |

Workout services
- An E-Learning D & I program: Includes a Disability Awareness Training presentation and
an extensive Toolkit of practical modules for disability recruitment & employment.
- Management of risk factors for a home based workforce.
- Workplace early intervention injury prevention strategies to avoid costly workcover claims.
- Training in optimal postural & movement techniques for a self reliant workforce.
- Development of more efficient work practices and processes, to save money & resources.
- Occupational health and safety leadership programs, not just compliance.
- Diversity & inclusion policies and procedures.
- Comprehensive vocational assessment for staff and job applicants with disability.
- Practical, onsite manual handling training.
- Online, customised training programs for varied industries.
In Proud Collaboration
For provision of Sarah's customised manual handling and office ergonomics online training courses in
the childcare sector and the 2023 launched Disability Recruitment & Employment Program,
Sarah works with In Safe Hands Pty Ltd (platform provider.)
To discuss, trial and purchase one of the courses contact Sarah Clark. E: [email protected]. See
For provision of Sarah's customised manual handling and office ergonomics online training courses in
the childcare sector and the 2023 launched Disability Recruitment & Employment Program,
Sarah works with In Safe Hands Pty Ltd (platform provider.)
To discuss, trial and purchase one of the courses contact Sarah Clark. E: [email protected]. See